Trying to Describe God to an Unbeliever
During the dark quiet of the morning, I began to read, first beginning with emails received, and as I scanned, one particular email grabbed my attention. As I read the contents of the email asking the question: Who is God?, I found myself in a deep-dive of the Bible, searching for Scripture that answered this question. Along the way, I found the ANSWER to these other questions.
- How do I know God exists?
- What are my thoughts about the Trinity?
- Was Jesus present with God before creation?
- Who are we, the living, breathing organisms that walk the face of the earth for a span of time and then are gone?
- What is our utmost life-task?
Agur is a man, one who was unknown, except for the fact that he existed sometime during the era of King Solomon. As with most men, Agur’s name has meaning, for his name means ‘collector’ or ‘gatherer.’ Therefore, this man’s oracle (his divine revelation from God) has been included in the canon of the Bible for mankind.
In relation to his name, we ask: What has Agur gathered to answer the question:
Who is God?
- Agur knew God’s wisdom was greater than his own knowledge.
“Surely I am more stupid than any man,
And I do not have the understanding of a man.
Neither have I learned wisdom,
Nor do I have the knowledge of the Holy One.”
- Agur knew that he would continue to have many questions & that many aspects of life and creation would remain a mystery beyond his understanding.
“Who has ascended into heaven and descended?
Who has gathered the wind in His fists?
Who has wrapped the waters in His garment?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?”
- Agur knew the modern-day Jews would know the answer to the first question but be puzzled by the second question.
“What is His name or His son’s name?
Surely you know!”
- Agur knew the Jew who lived before the Revelation of the Trinity would be confounded, &
- Agur knew to anticipate the Messiah, that all Christians know Jesus, as God’s Only Begotten Son.
Agur knew:
God is timeless for God Himself created time!
The Word of God is God’s word to man, so man might come to know God!
Thus, God enters time and space! &
God intervenes at any point in time HE decides!
“Every word of God is tested;
He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.
Do not add to His words
Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar.”
We who believe in God, who believe in Jesus, the Son of God, and who have the Holy Spirit of God dwelling inside us—Try to Describe God to an Unbeliever—
- By the way we live,
- By choosing our own way,
- By not allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us—
This is how you and I grieve the Holy Spirit of God.
- You and I are to live for God.
- You and I are to refrain from living a life that dishonors God.
- You and I are to live our lives with a proper FEAR, a reverence of WHO GOD IS!
- You and I are to live with a concern for others.
- You and I are not to see ourselves as better than we really are—
For all mankind is desperate & in need of GOD!
You and I (who have believed in Jesus) are to share the LOVE of GOD with those we encounter.
You and I are to SPEAK JESUS!
You and I are meant to be LOUD for JESUS.
There is not a silent Christian, for we are to BOAST about GOD.
We should seek to GLORIFY GOD in all we say and do!
Yes, most assuredly,
- We who believe,
- We who have given our hearts to Jesus,
- We who have accepted God’s salvation, &
- We who confess JESUS as LORD & SAVIOR—should seek to—GLORIFY GOD in all we say and do!
for without JESUS, we are dead.
A Prayer of Moses, the man of God, helps answer the question: Who is God?
This Scripture helps us as we try to describe God to an unbeliever.