The REPEATS & How We SO Need Them
I love wearing really comfortable clothes and shoes. A fact that my niece Taylor enjoys as well. In fact, our most favorite brand to purchase is the brand that begins with the letter “C”—COMFORTABLE. Whenever I shop, I look high and low for that particular brand, and then I take great care of it, hoping the shirt, pants, or shoes last for a long, long time.
Yes, I want REPEAT DAYS to enjoy wearing these things.
Repeating is usually something we despise, and honestly, we often hope to enjoy new adventures and not repeat the “has-done” & “has-been” events of our lives. For example….
When we retell something, and someone tells us, “You’ve already told me that,”…..OR
When we revisit the same places we are expected to go each year, not because it’s any fun, but because it’s expected….OR
We re-do every day, every week, and every month the same mundane tasks over and over and over and over AND…..
Yeah, that’s when we want to pull out our hair and exclaim, “Why must I endure the re-telling, the revisits and re-dos…..again and again?!!!!
Then there are…
the people and stories,
the events,
the books,
the conversations,
the photos,
the places, &
the places we wish to—–
Re-see, Re-hear, Re-Attend, Re-read, Re-Do, and Re-Go.
Sometimes, the “Re–” parts of our lives truly are our BEST part of our days, weeks, months, years, and lives. For example:
- We love to visit with our children, over and over. We never tire of their presence, and when they are gone, we wish for just one more hug.
- We love to talk with our grandparents, over and over. We never hear all of the stories that they have to tell, and when they are gone, we wish for just one more story.
- We never tire of birthdays, hoping they continue to return every year because the more we enjoy, the longer we breathe and live topsoil. We never wish for birthdays to cease, and we want just a few more to share as we spend our lives with those we love.
- We find great joy in reading God’s Word, over and over. We never read enough, and as we grow in our Christian walk with God, we wish for just a little more time to read one more verse and chapter before we go.
- We need our conversations with our Father so much, every day and throughout each day, and we wish for just a few more minutes on our knees, circling our requests, listening to the LORD speak.
- The “Re’s” are most definitely the BEST parts of our lives. The brand “news” can be exciting, but a bit scary too, but the re-dos, the re-peats, and the re-visits are like slipping our feet into the most comfortable shoes we own.
Today, let us walk there for a while.
Today, let us enjoy the feel of the comfort wrapped around us.
Today, let us enjoy the God’s presence as we stroll throughout this day, and if you are like me and about to embark on a new adventure today, then for heaven’s sake, wear the outfit and shoes that are your favorites. You will be most glad you did.
And so, I end today’s blog with one of my most favorite Bible verses, one that brings me comfort and peace and joy and hope….all wrapped inside one passage of Scripture, and the cool part is that the passage is repeated in the same chapter. So crazy cool how God provides His presence.
Then a slight re-wording occurs in verses 5-6, as if God just knew we would need a repeat of His promise.
The psalm composed by David, inspired by God, continues with this truth.
Walk with God today.
Look up and down as you walk.
Pick up a new rock today to place inside your pocket.
Then let us wrap our fingers around that rock, and talk to our Creator, Savior, Father God, and Lord….as we walk through this one day. Enjoy your time walking with Him.